Pork is delicious when prepared correctly and offers value for money, so it's worthwhile becoming familiar with it and adding it to your cooking repertoire.

We want you to experiment with all pork cuts, both the well- and lesser-known ones (but especially lesser-known cuts because they can be transformed into the most exciting dishes).

The more you learn about pork, the more confidence you’ll gain, and soon you’ll be a superstar in the kitchen!

Available in many different cuts, you can prepare various interesting and delicious meals with pork. Often interesting cuts like mince, schnitzels, stir-fry strips, goulash (cubes) and trotters aren't displayed on grocery store shelves, but the shop's butchery staff are always ready and willing to prepare these for you on demand. So, never be afraid to ask them for the cut you want. Bonus – because it's prepared right there and then, it's as fresh as can be.

Delicious and flavourful, these pork meatballs are sure to be a hit with your family. Why not try making them tonight? Pork mince is usually minced on demand, so ask for it at your grocery store’s butchery counter.

Makes about 18 medium-sized meatballs
Preparation time: 20 min
Resting time: 20 min
Cooking time: 20 min

• 1 small onion, chopped
• 1 clove garlic, crushed
• Oil
• 20g parsley, chopped
• 800g pork mince
• 1-2 carrots, grated
• 1 egg
• 2,5ml (½t) each ground cumin and paprika
• 5ml (1t) ground coriander
• 15ml (1T) Worcestershire sauce
• 60ml (¼c) oats
• Zest of 1 lemon
• Salt and pepper to taste

• 375ml (1½c) plain yoghurt
• 30ml (2T) coriander pesto

• 4-6 sweet potatoes, cooked and puréed

Preheat the oven to 190°C.
1 Meatballs: Over medium heat, fry the onion and garlic in some oil until soft. Remove from the heat, add the parsley, and allow to cool.
2 In a large mixing bowl, add the onion mixture, mince, and the rest of the meatball ingredients. Gently mix with a fork until just combined. Don’t knead or overmix the meat, otherwise you’ll end up with a dense texture.
3 Form medium-sized meatballs. Place in a roasting pan, add a little water to the pan and brush each meatball with oil.
4 Roast for about 20 minutes or until just done.
5 Sauce: Mix the yoghurt and pesto.
6 To serve: Spoon the purée on a plate and arrange the meatballs on top. Serve with the pesto yoghurt sauce.

Pork is a nutrient-dense food and is one of the best sources of complete iron.

Want to wow your dinner guests? This pork neck recipe is easier to make than you think, and the result is a showstopper dish. Just remember to start marinating it the night before.

Serves 6
Preparation time: 20-30 min
Marinating time: overnight
Cooking time: about 1½ hours

• 80ml (⅓c) olive oil
• 80ml (⅓c) creamy plain yoghurt
• 60ml (¼c) dried oregano
• 8 cloves of garlic, crushed
• 45ml (3T) ground cumin
• Juice and zest of 2 lemons

• 1,8kg deboned pork neck, rind removed
• Few sprigs of thyme

• 4 brinjals, sliced
• 4 cloves of garlic, crushed
• Salt
• Oil
• Handful of chopped herbs like parsley, basil and mint
• Pomegranate seeds
• Creamy yoghurt

1 Marinade: Mix all the ingredients.
2 Meat: Place the pork neck in a non-metallic dish and pour over the marinade. Marinate overnight.
3 Preheat the oven to 160°C. Remove the pork neck from the marinade and season to taste with salt and pepper.
4 Place in a roasting pan, arrange the thyme sprigs on top of the meat and roast 20 minutes per 500g meat, plus 20 minutes extra at 160°C. Baste with the marinade from time to time.
5 To serve: Season the eggplant slices with salt, arrange on a baking sheet, add the garlic and brush with oil. Bake at 180°C until done. Sprinkle with the chopped herbs.
6 Place the pork neck on a serving platter and serve with slices of eggplant, topped with pomegranate seeds and yoghurt.

Few things beat a home-made pie. Treat your loved ones to a yummy feast with this pork pie.

Serves 6-8
Preparation time: 20 min
Cooking time: about 2 hours
Baking time: 20 min

• 2-3kg pork shanks, cut into pieces
• 125g bacon, chopped
• 1,5L (6c) vegetable stock
• 3 onions, chopped
• 6 carrots, grated
• 6-8 peppercorns
• 4 whole cloves
• 6-8 cloves of garlic, crushed
• Salt and pepper
• 20g parsley, chopped
• Zest of 1-2 lemons
• 125ml (½c) sago, soaked in water

• 1 roll puff pastry, defrosted
• Egg wash

Preheat the oven to 200°C.
1 Filling: Place all the ingredients except the parsley, lemon and sago in a large saucepan (or pressure cooker) and bring to the boil. Lower the heat and cook for about 1½-2 hours or until the meat is done and falls off the bone.
2 Remove all the bones and pieces of rind. Cut the rind into small cubes and add back to the meat.
3 Return the saucepan to the heat and simmer until the rind is almost not visible anymore. Add the parsley and lemon zest.
4 Add the soaked sago, bring to the boil again and cook until the sago is translucent and the sauce is thick. Stir from time to time to prevent the sauce from burning.
5 Spoon in oven pans and let the filling cool.
6 To finish: Gently roll out the pastry until slightly thinner and arrange over the filling. Brush with the egg wash. Decorate with left-over pastry and brush again with the egg wash.
7 Bake for about 20 minutes until the pastry is golden brown.

South Africa produces world-class quality pork. And it’s the meat of choice of many acclaimed chefs because it’s versatile and works well with most herbs and spices.

Have dinner on the table in a flash. You can whip up this recipe in less than 30 minutes.

Serves 4
Preparation time: 15 min
Cooking time: 10 min

• About 600g pork rashers, cubed

• Oil
• 125g carrots, julienned
• Half each red, yellow and green sweet pepper, julienned
• 3 cloves of garlic, crushed
• 3cm piece of ginger, grated
• 2 chillies, chopped
• 60ml (¼c) rice vinegar
• 60ml (¼c) soy sauce
• 60ml (¼c) brown sugar
• 15-30ml (1-2T) lemon juice
• Large handful of chopped coriander leaves

• Egg noodles, cooked
• Sesame seeds

1 Meat: Fry the rashers in a pan until done and remove from the pan. Wipe the pan to remove all fat.
2 Sauce: Heat a little oil in the pan and stir-fry the vegetables, garlic, ginger and chillies until just soft but still very crisp.
3 Add the rest of the sauce ingredients except the lemon juice and coriander leaves. Simmer for about 5-10 minutes until it's syrupy. Add the lemon and coriander.
4 Add the rashers and reheat until warm.
5 To serve Serve with noodles and add a sprinkle of sesame seeds.

Sticky pork chops for dinner? Yes, please! Follow our tips in the recipe on how to cook the perfect chops.

Serves 4-6
Preparation time: 10 min
Cooking time: about 10 min

• 60ml (¼c) sweet chilli sauce
• 45ml (3T) tomato sauce
• 30ml (2T) rice vinegar
• 2,5ml (½t) Worcestershire sauce
• 2,5-5ml (½-1t) mustard powder

• 4-6 pork chops, loin or rib, 2,5cm thick
• Salt and pepper
• Oil

Potato wedges and/or salad

1 Sauce: Mix all the ingredients in a small saucepan and cook for about 5 minutes until sticky.
2 Meat Cut slits in the rind and fatty side of each pork chop – this will prevent the chops from curling up while frying. Season to taste with salt and pepper.
3 Preheat a griddle pan until smoking hot. To crisp the rind, fry the chops on the fatty side first.
4 Brush the meaty sides with oil and fry until darkish griddle stripes form on the meaty sides and the chops loosen from the bottom of the pan. Turn the chops with tongs, not a fork.
5 Brush with the sticky sauce towards the end and fry again on both sides until just brown and sticky. Be careful not to burn the sauce.
6 To serve: Serve with potato wedges and/or a salad.

The nutrients found in pork are highly absorbable. This means our bodies can easily use it to build and maintain our immune systems.

Treat your loved ones to the ultimate Sunday lunch with this stuffed leg of pork. It’s sure to become a family favourite!

Serves 6-8
Preparation time: 30 min
Cooking times: 1½ hours

• 125ml (½c) vegetable stock
• 125ml (½c) couscous
• ½ red onion, chopped
• Oil
• Handful each of chopped Turkish apricots, dates, raisins and/or • cranberries
• 100g chopped nuts, for example pecan nuts or walnuts
• Large handful of coriander leaves, chopped
• Few sprigs of mint, chopped

• 1,5kg deboned leg of pork, rind removed (keep the rind)
• Salt and pepper
• Apricot jam

• Baked apples 

Preheat the oven to 160°C.
1 Filling Pour vegetable stock over the couscous and let it stand until the stock is absorbed. Microwave for about 1 minute until swollen. Fluff with a fork. Add the rest of the filling ingredients and mix.
2 Meat Put the meat on a working surface, meaty side facing up. Make a few slits with a sharp knife in the thick parts. Flatten the back part with the palm of your hand. Season with salt and pepper.
3 Spoon the filling in the middle of the meat and fold over the meat to cover the filling. Secure with string.
4 Place the pork on the rack of an oven roasting pan. Oven-roast 20 min per 500g of meat plus 20 minutes extra or until the meat juices run clear.
5 Rub the rind with salt, place on a separate baking pan and oven-roast until crisp.
6 Brush the leg of pork with apricot jam and grill until golden brown.
To serve: Serve with the crispy pork rind and baked apples.